January 25 - 29

A reminder that middle-level skating will continue Thursdays at lunch time.  Don't forget your skates and helmets!

Grade 7

Math - page 115 # 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8

LA - response to "Night Boat to Freedom" due Friday

SS - athlete biography puzzle piece

Science - study chapter 4

French - "un grand invention" presentation

Grade 8

Math - study for unit test

SS - brochure due Friday

January 18 - 22

Middle Level skating begins this Thursday at noon, please bring in your permission slips!  Remember: you need skates and a helmet to go to the rink!

There will be a Winter Carnival this Sunday from 2-4 at Burtt's Corner Church of Christ.  All activities are free!

Grade 6

Title page - careers

Grade 7 - a reminder to those of you who owe things: hand them in!  as of Monday you'll be doing your catch-up at the office!

LA - persuasive essay, marking rubric and speech self-assessment must be handed in.  A few of you still owe children's stories and Christmas writing!

Math - 3 sheets to hand in (pizza sale, 'extra practice' and 'step-by-step 4')

SS - athlete info sheet / biography writeup

Grade 8

LA - be ready to write the body of your persuasive writing piece

Science - plan for fair

Social Studies - finish brochure


January 11 - 15

Middle level will be going skating on Thursdays, starting next week (Jan 21st).  Permission slips have been sent home, and need to come back as soon as possible!  Those who are unable to go skating will have the option to go to the gym during that time.

Grade 7

LA - persuasive essay and self-assessment / planning sheet
persuasive speech starting Thursday (do not just read it, I can do that myself!)
you need to hand in all of this once you do your speech

Grade 8

LA - finish ad review

Science - Plan for fair, finish sheet


January 6 - 8

Welcome back!  Short week this week!

Grade 7

Math - page 168-170  #2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 17 (mostly done in class, some of you did not finish)

LA - persuasive essay with marking and planning sheets filled in, work on speech

Science - if you borrowed a notebook from Mrs B, be sure to bring her one

Grade 8

Science - plan for science fair and finish handout

Other - Ryan and Roy: polish and hand in sheet
