January 18 - 22

Middle Level skating begins this Thursday at noon, please bring in your permission slips!  Remember: you need skates and a helmet to go to the rink!

There will be a Winter Carnival this Sunday from 2-4 at Burtt's Corner Church of Christ.  All activities are free!

Grade 6

Title page - careers

Grade 7 - a reminder to those of you who owe things: hand them in!  as of Monday you'll be doing your catch-up at the office!

LA - persuasive essay, marking rubric and speech self-assessment must be handed in.  A few of you still owe children's stories and Christmas writing!

Math - 3 sheets to hand in (pizza sale, 'extra practice' and 'step-by-step 4')

SS - athlete info sheet / biography writeup

Grade 8

LA - be ready to write the body of your persuasive writing piece

Science - plan for fair

Social Studies - finish brochure
