2 pieces of writing have gone home, a "how-to" and a descriptive report. These have been marked with comments to help your student move along in their writing. Please send these pieces back signed once you've had a chance to look them over, as we need to keep student work on file.
A progress report went home a couple of weeks ago, but several students have not yet returned theirs. If you have the report or have seen it, please return it or a note that you have seen it as soon as possible.
LA - we have been working on writing about characters. Students need to finish up the 2 paragraphs about their characters - one comes right out and tells us about them, the other tells us 3 things about them without saying "he is tall", for example, "he ducked coming through the doorway to avoid hitting his head". Due Wednesday.
Summary / rewrite about Leap Year - due Thursday
Math - worksheets on Grocery Shopping and Pizza buying - Wednesday
- find out the size (litres) of your family car's gas tank, and about how far you can travel
SS - stamp stories (these are for a contest on Canadian heritage, they do not need to be entered in the contest, but do need to be completed for Wednesday)