Ok. Final push, folks!
SS - Cultural fair is Tuesday, June 19th. We will have this week and Monday to get things done. Students must have a visual display, not just typed materials (think pictures and *stuff*, clothing, food, games etc to show visitors)
LA - Some of you still owe me writing and novel packets! It's VERY difficult to assess your learning at this point without some concrete evidence. Please hand in what you have so I can get the most accurate picture possible.
Other - Field Trip is Wednesday, looking forward to seeing you all there! We'll leave the school around 8:30 and hope to be back around 5:30.
- Thursday will be an outdoor fun day, wear your sunscreen and bring a water bottle! Our class theme is the MICE.
- Please do a final check for library and class books. Quite a few have wandered off throughout the year.
Holy cow guys, we're famous! Sort of.