October 29 - Nov 2

LA - Stories are now due.  We have worked on these for 3 weeks in class, and the due date has been clear.  Please get them in as soon as possible.  You must hand in your planning sheets, as they are used in the marking.

Math - Students have a journal entry and a handout on inpur output tables to hand in.  The journal entry is on explaining how an input output machine would work that changes millimeters into meters.

SS - Find some evidence of your original culture (French, English, Irish, Russian, etc)

Other - Halloween Howl is Monday night!  6:30 - 8 pm, there are activities for kindergarten to grade 4 students as well as grades 5 - 8.  Cost is $5 and includes lots of games and a snack.

Notices for Student-led conferences are going home Tuesday.  Please check off your top 3 times, and return them to school as soon as possible.  If you are not planning to attend, please let us know why.  We're just wondering, and trying to be as accommodating as possible in scheduling them from now on.

October 22 - 26

LA - We are still working away on our scary stories!  They are due Monday, Oct 29th.  We'll have time in class again Thursday and Friday, but if you're not almost done now, you'll have to finish up at home.
The first big writing that the students did has gone home with the marking sheet attached.  Please have a look at them with your student and then sign and return them to school.

Math - We've started a new unit on patterns and input output machines.  We are working on applying a rule (like multiply by 6 and add 1) to a set of numbers to find new numbers in the output.
Please do page 14, #2 (find the rule that relates the input to the output - what is the machine doing?)

SS - Continuing with our Global Culture theme, students have been asked to find out where their family is originally from.  We'll put all of us on the map and then talk about what elements of culture (recipes, traditions etc) we might still have from those places.

Science - Writeup for the Yeast lab is due Friday.  Students must rewrite their observations neatly on the handout and answer the questions on the back.

Other - There is a dance for middle school students Thursday night from 6-8.  Cost is $4, or $3 with a donation for the food bank.  There will be a canteen selling snacks, if students wish to bring some extra money.
A reminder that some suspicious vehicles have been spotted around a couple of schools in the Fredericton area.  Please review safety rules with your students so that they know not to approach strangers in this type of situation.
Newsletters have gone home with the youngest student in the family.

An Important Note from the Superintendant

This afternoon, officials from one of our local Fredericton-Northside
schools reported a vehicle to the Fredericton City Police that was
suspicious in nature.  Concern was raised when a man in a silver-colored SUV
followed a student to the school grounds, taking pictures along the way and
outside the school.  Police responded to the call and followed up with
communication to school and district officials.

This message serves as a timely reminder for parents to speak with their
children about the importance of not talking to strangers and staying safe
while in the community and on their way to and from school.

Thank you for your extra attention in this matter.

October 15 - 19

Math - we started our unit test this week, we'll finish it up on Monday.  Spend some time with the practice questions that went home!

LA - spooky story plans are due Monday.  Stories are due the following Monday, October 29th.  We'll go over the last story next week to see what can be worked on for this time.

Science - experiment Tuesday, jars and gelatin please! 
Answer questions and have everything filled in for next Tuesday for our test with yeast.

October 10 - 12

Math - this week we'll be talking about integers - positive and negative whole numbers.  When do we use negative numbers in real life?  We will also get in to comparing different positive and negative numbers, and putting them in order (with or without a number line)
Page 76 #1, 2, 3, 4, 5

LA - a few people haven't handed in their stories, get those in as soon as possible, please!
Please work on finishing your PLAN for the scary stories.
Speeches will be presented Monday, must be at *least* 2 minutes long.  Practice!  If you are really running for Student Council, you have to be realistic, and have to present in front of the whole class.  If you aren't, you can make crazy promises!

SS - again, a few stragglers on the map and culture brochure.  They're late, so please get them in!

Science - we'll be doing an experiment using jars and gelatin.  If you have any clean jars with lids (any type of jar will do) or a spare packet of gelatin, please send them in.

Other - A copy of our class rules has gone home to be signed, please sign and return the top portion to school as soon as possible.
October book orders have gone home, please send in orders (cheques are best) by next Friday, Oct 19

Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving weekend!

October 1 - 5

It's October already!  Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Reminder that there is no school Monday for the holiday, and also Tuesday for District PD.

Math - this week we are learning and practicing order of operations.  When a math question has more than one operation in it, we have to do them in a certain order.  That order is Brackets, Multiplying and Dividing, Adding and Subtracting. 
Practice page 72 #5 and 6
Page 85 #1, 2, 3 (review on working with large numbers)

LA - stories are due this week.  Students have been given copies of the marking rubric (Camet standards) which will be used on their writing, and should check their own work with it before starting their good copies.

SS - maps are now due, culture brochures are now late

Science - create your arthropod is due

Other - there is an anti-bullying art contest on right now, which closes Friday.  Students are asked to draw and write (by hand, not computer) a poster to help people stop bullying.

All students now have a yellow homework duotang.  Please check the book or this site regularly to make sure your student is keeping up with his / her assignments!  There is also a page protector which is a great spot to put notes and notices to make sure they arrive safely.