October 29 - Nov 2

LA - Stories are now due.  We have worked on these for 3 weeks in class, and the due date has been clear.  Please get them in as soon as possible.  You must hand in your planning sheets, as they are used in the marking.

Math - Students have a journal entry and a handout on inpur output tables to hand in.  The journal entry is on explaining how an input output machine would work that changes millimeters into meters.

SS - Find some evidence of your original culture (French, English, Irish, Russian, etc)

Other - Halloween Howl is Monday night!  6:30 - 8 pm, there are activities for kindergarten to grade 4 students as well as grades 5 - 8.  Cost is $5 and includes lots of games and a snack.

Notices for Student-led conferences are going home Tuesday.  Please check off your top 3 times, and return them to school as soon as possible.  If you are not planning to attend, please let us know why.  We're just wondering, and trying to be as accommodating as possible in scheduling them from now on.