Week of April 2

GAH! In the end of day rush (we were cleaning out desks to try to convince parents that they're always that neat) I forgot about report cards.  I managed to catch a few before the busses rolled, but for those students who did not bring one home, they'll have it tomorrow.

I have also sent back all of the student-led conference sheets that were brought in, with times highlighted.  Official times are 6-8 tomorrow and 8:30-12 Friday.  I'll be here from around 5:00 on tomorrow (Thursday) evening.

A reminder that science fair projects are due tomorrow.  We'll set up right after lunch, and classes will have a chance to come by and check out all of our work.  The projects will remain set up until after student-led conferences on Friday morning, at which time they can head home.  We also have 2 SS projects that can go now.