May 27-31

Getting down there!

LA - Biographies are due for everyone on Monday, June 3.  All students have had lots of time to find information, conference with me and other students, and get their piece written.

Math - We have a fairly big test coming on Thursday and Friday of next week.  Keep practicing your number skills - adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, working with decimals and really big numbers, ratios, fractions, etc.

SS - We should be finishing up our Creating a Culture project.  These will be due June 12, to be presented later that week.

Health - Students have been given a "puberty interview" that they are meant to discuss with a trusted adult.  It can be anyone older than them who has finished puberty :)
Please also try to send in a magazine for next week, anything that the "average" pre-teen or teen would be interested in.  If you do not have one, we will likely have extras.

May 21 - 24

Wow, so, poorly managed homework blog.  My apologies.

LA - everyone should be on their way to finished their biographies.  We wrote about someone well-known, famous, so that there would be lots of information.  Try to find magazines, books, internet sites, interviews, etc.

Math - we'll be having a big-ish test on all of our numeracy outcomes on June 4-5.  Please try to have your student to school, well rested and fed on those days (as well as all the other days, for that matter!)
A reminder about Sumdog.  This is a super fun math games website, that actually practices math skills (unlike most other "math" websites).  Students all have a login, and the site tracks what they have mastered and what they need to work on.  Very useful!

Science - we are working on our last unit - SPACE!

SS - keep working on your "Create a Culture" project

Health - we've gone over the puberty / development part of the curriculum, and everybody was quite giggly and uncomfortable.  Now that's over with, we'll just be discussing general healthy living stuff again.

Other - the end of the year is creeping up quickly!  Please have a look around for school and class library books that have been hiding out at home.
We still have quite a bit of learning to do, let's keep the press on!

There will be a "fun photo shoot" tomorrow, Thursday, at break times.  Photos are $1 each, and fun props will be provided.  This is a fundraiser for the Spring Sprint.

There is a "Mom's Movie Night" Monday, May 27th at 7:30.  We'll be showing "Bridesmaids", and the cost is $5.  Proceeds go toward the Care for KVMS Committee.

Phewf!  I think that's all!

23 school days left...