May 21 - 24

Wow, so, poorly managed homework blog.  My apologies.

LA - everyone should be on their way to finished their biographies.  We wrote about someone well-known, famous, so that there would be lots of information.  Try to find magazines, books, internet sites, interviews, etc.

Math - we'll be having a big-ish test on all of our numeracy outcomes on June 4-5.  Please try to have your student to school, well rested and fed on those days (as well as all the other days, for that matter!)
A reminder about Sumdog.  This is a super fun math games website, that actually practices math skills (unlike most other "math" websites).  Students all have a login, and the site tracks what they have mastered and what they need to work on.  Very useful!

Science - we are working on our last unit - SPACE!

SS - keep working on your "Create a Culture" project

Health - we've gone over the puberty / development part of the curriculum, and everybody was quite giggly and uncomfortable.  Now that's over with, we'll just be discussing general healthy living stuff again.

Other - the end of the year is creeping up quickly!  Please have a look around for school and class library books that have been hiding out at home.
We still have quite a bit of learning to do, let's keep the press on!

There will be a "fun photo shoot" tomorrow, Thursday, at break times.  Photos are $1 each, and fun props will be provided.  This is a fundraiser for the Spring Sprint.

There is a "Mom's Movie Night" Monday, May 27th at 7:30.  We'll be showing "Bridesmaids", and the cost is $5.  Proceeds go toward the Care for KVMS Committee.

Phewf!  I think that's all!

23 school days left...