Getting down there!
LA - Biographies are due for everyone on Monday, June 3. All students have had lots of time to find information, conference with me and other students, and get their piece written.
Math - We have a fairly big test coming on Thursday and Friday of next week. Keep practicing your number skills - adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, working with decimals and really big numbers, ratios, fractions, etc.
SS - We should be finishing up our Creating a Culture project. These will be due June 12, to be presented later that week.
Health - Students have been given a "puberty interview" that they are meant to discuss with a trusted adult. It can be anyone older than them who has finished puberty :)
Please also try to send in a magazine for next week, anything that the "average" pre-teen or teen would be interested in. If you do not have one, we will likely have extras.